Thursday, June 18, 2020

Purification of thoughts: why is it necessary

It is important to work on your mind. A mind without restraint is a horse without a rein. It will take you astray. The way of happy living is in believing the inherent goodness of people.
But sometimes bad thoughts may come in your mind while facing a wicked person. Then question arises how to think good about a complete rascal. There are some points. You can think of common points between him and you.
1. The underlying soul even in a wicked person is pure i.e. without any flaws.
2. The person lives on same earth, drinks water from the same rivers, receives light and heat from same sun, eats fruits from same trees. Thus, earth, river, sun and trees don't discriminate because he is wicked.
3. He or she is anyway going to die so there is actually no need to kill him or her.
  In this way you can work on your bad thoughts and anger etc. In the end you will have to distance yourself from such person. Leave him but have no malice about him in the heart.
Regarding good person you can be spontaneous. Just ignore his flaws if any.

Be assured goodness conquers evil, love conquers hate in the end. Why this is so? Because the God has designed the world in this way.
Keep smiling.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Stop fighting someone's nature

Many time what we see that people generally have complaints about other person's nature. All the time the fight is to make other person behave the way we want. Be assured thats not going to happen. Try your best to love people in spite of their nature. Choose an appropriate response.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Coronavirus: Are we underestimating it!

Months have passed. We have seen lockdowns, social distancing etc. But one thing that we notice that corona is steady. It is not subsiding. It may be slow at some places and fast at other but the rule is, its GROWING.
  If the situation persists it is just a matter of time, it is going to knock at our doors. And along with it will come 'deaths', untimely and unjust deaths as if it was a wrath of God. Delhi today had around 57 deaths in a day. And expected cases in Delhi half a million by July end.
Doctors are expecting it will make a peak and then subside. But these are mere speculations. What if that does not happen? If this continues we are definitly going to have a black diwali this year and after that also. Last big epidemic in India was in 1920, which costed around a crore lives. That was during British era. There were so many dead bodies, there was shortage of wood to burn them. That may happen again. It is hard to think of death presently but nobody's life is safe now. Can you think of loosing your near and dear ones or even your own life right now? But don't be too optimistic. Deaths are around the corner and they are approaching us day by day.
Another thing that seems likely by year end or so is war. And China will be on one side. On the other side could be nations like US and Russia who suffer too much due to corona and are mighty enough to deal with China.
So what I see now is turbulent times ahead with our lives at stake. Corona is going to change the face of the world, for all time to come.
On an interesting note, there are prophecies by many Indian saints like Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya of Shantikunj, Baba Jai Gurudev etc. that are predicting pandemic causing millions of deaths, war and formation of new world order. Interestingly India will be the next world leader after all this is over.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Be quiet and alone for a while-it helps

In the last blog I was trying to discuss ways to deal with difficult situations. For  example facing deceit, someone being nasty with you, feeling extremly angry at someone etc. The key here is not to react immediately. Just be quiet for a while. Stop talking. Spend some time alone. Mind will become calm and only with a calm mind man can make right decisions. In the end good prevails, the evil will have to accept defeat. If not today then later.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

The strife of life: Can it be reduced

In the age that we live the strife is rife. Everyone of us is facing problems around us. The question here is can we reduce the quarrel in life and be more at peace with ourselves and with others.
  There are certain tools which may help. First is detachment essentially meaning not expecting anything from other people. Not thinking of what you got. If you got some bad experience just forget it. Don't plan revenge. The law of karma will take care of it, if a person is harsh with you. He will have to suffer later. Just forgive him at this moment and move on.
Keep smiling.

Terms of use

This blog will reflect my views on life and its related aspects. Thus, this will serve to know more about me , my personality and my way of thinking. Posts are not intended to sermonize anyone . If you find it inspiring or useful you can write email to me through the link in profile or comment.

The need for the blog

In these difficult times of the corona virus our social life has been greatly disturbed and it has become very difficult to be in touch and communicate with friends. I  am therefore starting this web log (blog) as a means for better communication of thoughts with friends, acquaintances and anybody interested .